Monday, February 21, 2011

U26/European Championships

I’m currently in Riduan Italy for Under 26 World Championships/European Championships, and so far my time here has been really awesome. The highlights of my current location include: 5 course meals at dinner, perfect skiing, beautiful sunshine, and spectacular scenery. Today was the first race of these championships, and it was one of the most brutal I’ve ever done. The course wound down the valley from the shooting range, with a long fast downhill taking you to the base of the valley. A few fast turns later you come to the bottom of a gigantic steep uphill. It is one of the most difficult I have ever skied, and it was much tougher today due to the new snow we received overnight. The race wasn’t my best, but I saw some real improvement in my standing shooting and ski technique. This Wednesday is the Relay competition followed by a Sprint and Pursuit this weekend. Then on Monday I fly back to the good old USA. I think I’m really going to enjoy my last week in Europe.

1 comment:

  1. Mangia! Mangia! There is a certain beauty to the antipasti, primi, segundi thing isn't there, especially when it's not pure gourmandise and you're actually using all of that fuel!

    I'm glad that you're seeing some improvement as the result of all of this skiing and shooting. We look forward to seeing what your next races bring.

    Enjoy the Italian sunshine!

